Flu Vaccinations 2019/20
We still have vaccinations in stock for patients under 65 in an at risk group as well as the nasal spray for children.
If you are over 65 you can still have the flu jab at your local paharmacy.
Please see the parents and young children page on our website and www.nhs.uk/child-flu for more information on the children’s “Fluenz” vaccination.
At Risk Groups Eligible for Flu Vaccine
We strongly recommend a flu vaccine for anyone who will be aged 65 and over on 31st March 2020, and those over the age of 6 months who are in the following risk groups:
Chronic lung disease, including asthma (NB: chronic simply means long-standing)
Chronic heart disease
Chronic kidney disease
Chronic liver disease
Patients who have had a stroke/TIA and other neurological conditions that might make someone at risk of chest infections
Impaired immune system, including anyone on high dose steroids (20mg
prednisolone or more)
People who have had their spleen removed
Coeliac disease
Anyone in a residential or nursing home
Anyone who is the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill.
Pregnant women
Anyone who is very overweight (BMI 40 or more)
Who is eligible for a flu vaccine?
All those who are 65 and over (or will be 65 before March of next year)
Anyone in an at risk group (see below for details).
Healthy children aged 2, 3 or 4 years on 31st August 2018 (children receive a nasal spray vaccine and we will not be doing these on the Saturday mornings, so please book in the week for these appointments)
Healthy children aged 5 and 6 (school years 1 and 2)will receive the nasal spray in school, although children in at risk groups can still receive it at the surgery
We are unable to give a vaccine to people outside of those categories.
If you work within the NHS, social services, are a care giver in a residential care/nursing home or a registered carer and are involved in direct care of patients then you should also be vaccinated. You can now have your flu vaccine here at the surgery, but you will need to bring along proof of your eligibility to the appointment.
If you are not sure if you are in an at risk group then please talk to your doctor or one of the nurses.
If you are not in any of the above groups but would still like to be vaccinated then this would have to be arranged through a private clinic.
What about pneumonia vaccine?
There is a vaccine against pneumoccocal pneumonia that can be given at the same time as the flu vaccine and is recommended this year for those aged 65 and over, all those under 65 but in the above at risk groups plus:
Anyone with a cochlear implant
It is usually only given once in a lifetime apart from in people without a functioning spleen or with nephrotic syndrome (a kidney complaint) who will require another vaccine after 5 years.
Does flu vaccine cause flu?
Many people worry about this but the vaccine is not a live vaccine and so does not cause even a mild form of flu. Because it is given in the autumn when there are a lot of viruses about, many people will get a viral illness in the week or two after their injection but this will only be by coincidence!
Thankfully most of us do not get real flu that often and we forget how awful it is. One person said that if you saw a £50 note in the middle of a field, you know you've got real flu when you haven't got the strength to go and pick it up! Just because you haven't had flu for 10 years doesn't mean you don't need protection this year!