Support for Carers
If you are a carer for another person it is worth your own doctor knowing about this. We will mark this on your records, so that we know that you are undertaking this role, and can put you in touch with local support if you would like us to.
You are also entitled to a flu vaccination if you are a carer.
Further information can be found on the action for carers website (including practical support such as someone coming to give you a break for a few hours):
Carers Information Pack or Young Carers Information Pack
Carers Direct Helpline 0300 123 1053: offers all-week telephone support and advice to carers in regard to their own support and safeguarding and protection of the individuals they care for. Further information can be found here:
Caring to the End is a website that offers families and carers guidance on making decisions about end of life care. It can also help if you have recently lost a loved one and need assistance with the practical, legal and financial issues, as well as helping you cope with grief. There is a wealth of information and you can find the website at