Changes to Our Online Form Submission Times
We are making changes to our online contact forms from Friday 3rd November.
We are keen that our patients are able to fill in a contact form should they require medical advice when we open on a Monday and so the online form has always been accessible throughout the weekend. However, this has caused some inefficiencies when a form is sent to us early in the weekend, since quite often the medical problem has either resolved by Monday or has developed and meant that medical advice has already been sought by the out of hours service and is no longer required. On other occasions a form has been completed and since the situation has changed over the weekend patients have also phoned the practice on Monday morning, which has led to duplication.
Clearly, we want to be able to prioritise those patients who do need advice after the weekend rather than those who no longer need us, and so we will be switching off the ability to ask for medical help over the first part of the weekend using our website. Moving forward, patients will not be able to submit requests for medical issues between 6pm on a Friday and 6pm on a Sunday. The website will still accept admin queries and you will still be able to find information about how you can self-treat most common ailments. If you require assistance urgently, you should call 111 when the surgery is closed, or 999 in an emergency. From 6pm on Sunday evenings the medical advice form will be reactivated, which we hope will give plenty of time for submissions to be made over the weekend where needed and will improve the access for patients who do need to contact us on a Monday.