Walking for Health and Art Space Cancelled until further notice

You will not be surprised to hear that both our walking for health group and the Godalming Art Space have had to be cancelled for the time being. We will repost here as soon as it is recommended that such activities are safe to recommence.
In the meantime, it is still acceptable at the moment to go for a walk in order to keep fit, but please avoid mixing with people when you do this - it is better to go for a walk on your own, or with someone you live with or need to be in regular contact with if you live on your own, and do avoid even slightly crowded places or getting close to people you may meet on the way.
And if you are trapped in your home, why not get creative? Sir Isaac Newton had to spend a year in self isolation from 1665-6 during the plague outbreak that ended with the great fire of London, and during that time made some of his greatest scientific discoveries! There's an inspiring post about this here if you would like to know more. None of us is likely to have quite as much impact as that as we stay in our own homes, but if you are trapped in your home at the moment, there may be the opportunity to get creative. Why not start drawing, writing or painting for the first time?