Exciting news about the community garden - please support our grant application!

There have been exciting developments in our plans for an ambitious Farncombe Community Garden and we are close to finalising the lease of a perfect piece of land adjacent to Broadwater Lodge care home. Please check the garden page on our website for full details.
We need urgent help to support a vital grant application for capital funding from the Your Surrey Fund of £100 million for community causes. Public support for the project will really help with the success of the application so please visit this page to support the project - you simply need to click the 'Agree' button at the bottom of the page to support us. We can use the support for this larger grant to build our case for other grant applications, and one has a deadline for applications is Friday 15th October - so please support the project before then if you can, and please share it widely on social media if you are able, but keep encouraging people to support it even after that date!
Thank you for your help! And thank you to all those who have asked to be kept in touch about the garden - expect more communication soon and if you haven't given us your details then you can do so via the garden page, or email farncombecommunitygarden@gmail.com