Living with Anxious Thoughts - Free seminar open to all

Anxiety affects so many of us, and sometimes knowing what to do with those anxious thoughts can be very challenging. If your thoughts always tend to go to the worst case scenario, or you worry a lot about your health or those you care about, or maybe you can't stop challenging thoughts from popping into your head, then it can be very difficult to know what to do about it and how to manage.
This seminar will be lead by one of our GPs, Dr Martin Brunet, and and Dr Jenna McKeown, who is a Clinical Psychologist.working in the Godalming mental health team. They will be working together to help people gain a better understanding of anxious thoughts, and strategies for how to manage them. The seminar will be on:
Saturday 19th October 10.00am-12.30pm (coffee from 9.30am)
At Godalming Baptist Church (15 Queen Street, GU7 1BA)
All are welcome and there is no cost although there will be an opportunity to give a donation towards Farncombe Community Garden if you wish
Please book in advance as places are limited. Simply email Sally Pollard at
See the flier below for full details.