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She knows where she's going!

After an emotional but very happy retirement party - or two! - Karen Jones has now started what can only be described as the most active of retirements. We are so pleased that we will still be able to see her regularly at Walking for Health, and as the Farncombe Community Garden comes together, but in the meantime she would like to say thank you for the many messages of support she has received. Here is a message from Karen to all our patients:

I would like to thank all the patients for their cards and lovely gifts. It was emotional reading all the messages of thanks and appreciation. Retired life is busy in a very good way, lots of time busy outdoors which is where I love to be. I wish you all well.

Many people sent Karen a message through our website, and if you missed this but would still like to send her a message then we will forward them to her whenever they come in.


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