Coronavirus Update

The global position with regards to the COVID-19 Coronavirus is changing week by week and the best way to stay informed with the latest advice is to review the Public Health England website where they will be posting daily updates by 2pm each day.
At the practice we are staying abreast of guidance for the NHS and will follow any recommendations that come from Public Health England. It can be very disruptive for a GP practice if someone who could possibly have coronavirus comes to the practice as it can lead to a precautionary need to close the practice to other patients while the premises are cleaned, so if you have returned from one of the at risk areas in the world, or have been in contact with someone who is suspected of having coronavirus then please do not come to the practice, but call 111 instead for advice instead.
If you have returned from an at risk area and need to see a doctor about another health condition then please tell reception about your travel even if you do not think you have coronavirus, so that we can assess the situation on the telephone first and to make sure that it is safe to come to the practice. Thank you for your help with this.